Monday, 23 April 2012

Stormbringer's Blunder

 A.K.A : Stupid rides again

Ok, I'll give you a minute to read that...tell me when you're back...Back? Ok Good.

The person Cowboy Blob up there is slagging off is my husband and I'm sure he'll get his tiny balls in a bunch and start spunking off at the mouth about how he didn't NAME anyone. We don't give a shit. He's talking about MY spouse and I'm annoyed.

I intially encountered Bob and his multiple personality Rhomphia (or however the fuck he spelt it) some time ago. I was a nice, mostly agnostic lady back then. He called me a whore. Bob will agrue that he was in a pissing match with Alex and that Alex is the one that brought me into it.  that, like a lot of bobs' drivel, is complete horseshit. but that's not what i am here about... this time. Yes bob my love i will come back to that sometime you witless cunt


Bob seems to have very strange ideas about my husband. namely that he is a drunk that lives in a car in fucking Halesowen. Not that i have anything against Halesowen but we don't live there.  (and for the record it's pronounced HALES OWEN no matter what your robotic pal says) it mean's Owen's Hollow (as in a small area of land)

1. Alex doesnt drink.
2. Alex has a perfectly respectable job unlike you Bob my dear
3. Once again for good measure it's pronounced HALES OWEN
4. We still dont bloody live there. In a car or otherwise.
5. Good job getting an ip tracker..maybe next time get one that fucking works. Knob.
6.  As far as i know Alex has never once been evicted from anywhere.. nor has he ever been fired.
7. Our flat (which we have lived in for 2 or so years at this point) has broadband.
8. Alex better not fucking have rum..unless he plans on sharing :p
9. Also as far as i know Alex has never had a spouse die on him just to get away from him..oh wait..that's you


  1. Hee Hee!

    Good to see you entering the blogging world - I've been enjoying Alex's blog for some time. Hope to read more ...

  2. pmsl! Brilliant Catty Kat.
